Happy Mongrels

Welcome to Happy Mongrels!

We love dogs regardless of breed; however, we have this certain fondness for crossbreeds or mongrels. This is somewhat a stepback from the perceived norm that purebreds are the way to go when it comes to owning dogs. We still maintain that the choice of the type of dog (or pet for that matter) all boils down to preference. Unfortunately, mongrels or mixed breeds don't end up in the list. This is because their exalted counterparts have hogged the spotlight for so long that the general public has developed certain prejudice towards mongrels. There are myths about mongrels that put them in bad light, but the truth is that in most cases, mixed breeds can beat pedigrees in a lot of aspects.

This blog aims to shed light on the plight of mongrels and the owners who love them to pieces. We have 8 mongrels in our stead and yes they are a handful, but they are fun pets with varying personalities. They are our happy mongrels!


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